Westwind Milling Co.

Swartz Creek, MI

Westwind Farm has been in the Purdy family since 1953. It is currently owned by Lee and Linda Purdy, who, in some ways, “go against the grain”, so to speak, in order to literally preserve the diversity of our grains and all the other types of foods we used to take for granted as basic components of a healthy diet.

In 2000, Lee and Linda purchased the old Wolcott Mill in Argentine, renaming it after their farm, Westwind Milling Co., LLC., in addition to retaining the family farm. After 15 years, they sold the Mill building and land in 2016, bringing their milling equipment back home to the Farm. Much of the land on the Farm had been certified organic for several years, and they are applying to add the gardens into certification for this season, as well.

“As opposed to growing grain for the export market, we are utilizing our 120 acres to produce actual food for local people, on several fronts. Westwind Farm produces vegetables & eggs, and we are once again grinding Michigan grown, certified organic grains into flour, as well as making baking mixes and baking breads with that flour. There are several ways to get these products. First, we have a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), in which people buy a quantity of their choosing from the Farm’s offerings in advance, and are then supplied with these products over the entire Season. Westwind also supplies flour, veggies and eggs to some Genesee County stores and restaurants. 

In addition to producing food, Westwind Farm has an educational/inspirational side, as well. We offer classes and events based on finding an appreciation for the natural world and how we can all sustain ourselves in harmony with the world around us. Events range from Dinner and a Movie Night, Bird Watching and Teas, to classes on bread baking, cheese making, and Food Preservation. We are excited to begin to bring our unique and beautiful Farm to its full potential in the coming years!”