Mie Radici

Novi, MI

Vincent Marino, founder of Mie Radici, started the company with one goal in mind: to share the rich culture and cuisine of Sicily with the world.

In 1914 Vincenzo Marino and his wife Vita (Vincent’s grandparents) left Cianciana and migrated to the United States where they settled in Barnesboro Pennsylvania to make a life for themselves. It wasn’t until 1971 that Vincenzo and Vita were able to return back to their home land and reconnect with family members. Upon their visit, they spoke with Filippo Termini (Vita’s nephew) about America. Filippo became very intrigued by the stories. So in 1972 he traveled to the states and pioneered the tradition of close family bonds for future generations. Filippo’s youngest brother Maurizio continues the tradition of cultivating olives in the Agrigento region of Sicily. He tends his groves with the same passion and methods that have been passed down through generations.

The first time Vincent Marino traveled to Sicily and tasted his cousin Maurizio’s EVOO he was hooked. He sat with his cousins enjoying a traditional Sicilian meal when Maurizio turned to him as he extended a cup of EVOO his way. Vince sipped on the liquid as his cousins stared at him waiting for his reaction. For Vince, it was an almost divine experience. He had never tasted Olive Oil as pure. The face Vincent had on must have said it all because Maurizio smiled and said “you don’t think we send the best oil to America – do you?”

Maurizio brings all his experience, passion and care for quality olive oil when selecting and approving what will become Mie Radici Olive Oil for your table.