Announcing Bi-Weekly Location & Home Deliveries!
posted on
April 26, 2020
Great news! You spoke...and we listened! We are now at your pick up location every other week. That’s right, instead of meeting you at your location every 4 weeks we have arranged our routes so that you can get great, healthy, local foods on a bi-weekly basis. There's not a better time to provide your family with the healthiest food possible. The calendar has been updated so you can check out the new schedule for your pick up locations.
Home Delivery
Our new bi-weekly schedule includes home deliveries! If it doesn't appear that we accommodate home deliveries in your area, please place an order and, in the comment section, indicate that you're interested in a home delivery. We will make every effort to accommodate you and will contact you within 24 hours to let you know if and when we can make the delivery. We are closed on Sundays, but we will respond as soon as possible to home delivery requests on Monday.
Organic Produce
As you may know we recently added organic produce to our offering. The produce is available on an a la carte basis and because the response has been so great for the good, quality organic produce that we provide, and because we have had so many requests for more frequent deliveries, we felt that now was the time to move to bi-weekly deliveries.
No-Contact Protocol
As a reminder we have a no-contact protocol for both home deliveries (we will text you and leave your order on your front porch) as well as for warehouse pick ups (stay in your car and call... when you arrive). At pick up locations we ask that you stay in your car and give us your name through a partially rolled down window. We will stay at least 8 feet away from your front seat. We will then place your order in your trunk. All of our drivers will be wearing masks and gloves at all times.
Staying safe and healthy is paramount today. And eating good quality natural foods goes a long ways towards keeping you healthy! Thank you for your continued support and trust in us during these difficult times.